Peer reviewing

The published articles are submitted to double-blind peer reviewing. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Each article is sent to two independent reviewers, whose research work is closest to the subject of the article. They receive an anonymous copy of the manuscript and should give their evaluations within 14 days. The reviewers’ recommendations determine whether a paper will be accepted; subjected to resubmission with changes and additions; rejected. The list of the independent reviewers is available here.
  2. The final decision whether the article will be published is made by the editorial board based on the reviews.
  3. Reviews (without the names of the reviewers) are sent immediately to the authors together with information whether the article has been accepted for publication without changes; with a requirement for changes and additions in accordance with the reviews; or is rejected. In cases when the article is accepted with requirements for changes or additions, the authors are given a period of 14 days to make corrections.
  4. In case of a new review after corrections, the articles and materials that have received negative reviews for the second time are definitively rejected.
  5. Articles accepted for printing are edited, prepared for printing and published before the end of the calendar year, within 6 to 9 months after receiving the material in the editorial office.