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All materials should be written in Word using the following fonts: Times New Roman for the main text and Greek quotations, and CyrillicaOchrid10U for the Old Slavic quotations, (Old Slavonic quotations should be cited in the original without transliteration, CyrillicaOchrid10U may be downloaded here), 12-point font for the main text and 10-point font for footnotes, first line by 1.25 cm, line spacing 1.5 lines. All margins (top, bottom, left and right) should be set to 2.5 cm. The author should differentiate between dashes used between pages (56–58), dates (1261–1453) and publishing places (London–New York), and hyphens used in double names (Hans-Georg Beck, В. Тъпкова-Заимова, Кирило-Методиевска енциклопедия) or compounds (fourteenth-century manuscript).
All references and explanatory notes must be numbered in a consecutive list at the bottom of the page. In the references, literature should be cited in abbreviated form in the original language of publication: author’s surname, year of the edition, page number/s (cf. Б о ж и л о в 2008: 24–26; H a n n i c k 2006; С о б о л е в с к и й 1885: 129). In the case of multi-volume editions, the abbreviated quotation should indicate the volume instead of the year of publication (Старобългарски речник 2). Abbreviations, such as “Ibid.”, “Idem”, “Op. cit..”, as well as “ff.” (for indicating page range) should not be used. Character spacing for authors’ surnames is 3 pt (Format → Font → Character Spacing → 3 pt, the author’s name being marked up to the letter before the last one).
Full titles of the publications cited should be given in alphabetical order after the main text:
Б о ж и л о в 2008: Божилов, Ив. Византийският свят. София, 2008.
In the bibliography, authors’ names and titles should be cited in the original language of publication. The editorial staff will transliterate the Cyrillic titles according to standardized Romanization tables.
Bibliography – Sample Citations
Name of the author (surname, initial/s of the first name). Title. Subtitle (if available). Place of publication, year of publication. If the book cited is part of a series, the series’ name and the number of the volume are given in brackets.
Hannick, Ch. Das altslavische Hirmologion. Edition und Kommentar. Freiburg i. Br., 2006.
Попов, Г. Триодни произведения на Константин Преславски. София, 1985 (Кирило-Методиевски студии, 2).
Articles in periodicals
Name of the author (surname, initial/s of the first name). Title of the article. – Name of the periodical, volume, year of publication, number (if available), pages (from–to).
Пикио, Р. Мястото на старата българска литература в културата на средновековна Европа. – Литературна мисъл, 25, 1981, 8, 19–36.
Getov, D. Florilegium Mosquense: an Edition. – Revue d’histoire des textes, 1, 2006, 1–36.
Articles in miscellaneous editions or in reference books; parts of longer publications (written in collaboration)
Name of the author (surname, initial/s of the first name). Title of the article. – B:/In: Name of the edition. Place of publication, year of publication, pages (from–to).
Kopecký, M. Cyrilometodějská tradice v starší české literatuře. – In: Magna Moravia: sbornik k 1100. výročí příchodu byzantské mise na Moravu. Praha, 1965, 567–586.
Флоря, Б. Н. Краткое житие Климента Охридского и его автор. – В: Флоря, Б. Н., А. А. Турилов, С. А. Иванов. Судьбы кирилло-мефодиевской традиции после Кирилла и Мефодия. Санкт-Петербург, 2000, 66–81.
Internet resources
Name of the author (surname, initial/s of the first name). Title of the publication, date of the publication (if available). Accessed (day, month, year).
De Smedt, Ch. The Bollandists. – In: Catholic Encyclopedia, 1985. http://www.newadvent. org/cathen/02630a.htm (11.05.2017).
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